Community & Family Aid Foundation
The organization is managed by competent individuals and volunteers who give their time, attention, expertise toward the realization of the objectives of the foundation. Its board and host of current community volunteers/membership are provided below.
The day to day administration is run by the following whose activity ideally reported referred and sanction by the board as and when the need arises.
CAFAF work assiduously with this class of people to achieve long lasting results. They count.
Hence in most of our programmes/projects, emphasis would be placed on bringing them on a common platform to deepen the bond of relationship that had been cut off over the years. It will be based on character, commitment, truth, mutual respect and admiration. Again with the solemn hope to bring the good of each at heart and act accordingly.

Indeed good things come back to us in the form of good result and there is a lasting goodness on both sides.

Since the inception of the foundation, committed individuals and host community volunteers have pioneered the activities which have culminated into achieving the missions and visions for which CAFAF was established. These core team known as the management have been the driving force to bring the organizations development this far, serving and acting in various capacities to complete the cycle with total top flight expert achievement. We have the honor to make a brief profile on them below.
Madam Kate Quaye(Executive Director/president
She is a staunch back bone of the formation of CAFAF who have a stronger passion for advancing the health of women. Prior to assuming the role of CAFAF she has served in various capacities at different health settings as a public specialist with the Ghana health services. She is a qualified retired mid-wife with forty years of experience.
Madam Kate has been a pillar in the health care delivery system in Ghana who served 20 various hospitals and clinics to make sure quality health care is made available to the unreached.
Hoping to champion such efforts further, after her retirement in 2005 took solace in the bosom of civil society’s activities through the formation of the organization .she provides strategic and managerial flow supervisions to fulfill the mandates for which CAFAF is established on daily basis.

Joseph senyo Kwashie-co-founder/Vice-president and National Director of programs
The history of CAFAF cannot be complete without the mention of Mr.Joseph Senyo Kwashie known in many cycles as the cradle of NGOs hope. He is well rooted in the work of NGOs with a decades and half experience. Joe-had worked and volunteered for more than 200 civil societies in Ghana and abroad to execute quite a number of projects. He has a fair balance of educational laurels and Diplomas of recognition from various institution backgrounds.
As a gentle of the century his contributions to humanity development cannot be under estimated, which have reflected in most organizations he had served in the past such as PPAG,TFAC,NFAID,Younf and Wise,GHWA,AYA,DIF,Womens Vision 3000,ROGRAF,WAKE,YOUTH PATH,TRADE WORLD,VYTF,OAU,etc
Joseph together with Madam Kate mooted and nurtured the formation of CAFAF where is currently the National Director of Programmes serving in the administration and programmes Department.
He is a well gifted persona who takes up any challenges with a prolific writing back ground and specializes in youth activism, training, SRH, Research, development planning, women’s health, and policy reforms.

Reginald Yarboi-Tetteh-Operations and Youth Activism
Reginald Yarboi –Tetteh has been involved in the work of comprehensive youth activism in the areas of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights at the state, district, and national levels, serving as an officer, committee member, delegate, and, most recently, as president of Global Media and concept Development, leading various project in the health arena.
He has been actively involved in special projects including “Operation Youth for Positive Health,” a program to improve the ASRH health needs of young people.
He has also represented the interest of youth on so many platforms to dialogue and make critical decisions which affect youth total lives such as the 4th Youth Sexuality and Reproductive Health Rights in Ethiopia 2010 and continue to host quiet a number of programs in the field of MDGs to help the vulnerable have a stand in development.
He continue to use direct drama performances to sell out issues to key stakeholders to be informed and to make informed choices which has received high recommendation. Indeed he is a product of choice and stronger icon whose participation in any agenda yields the most appreciable results to the latter.
Reggie joined CAFAF in 2009 as field officer and rose through the ranks serving committed till date as alluded.

Daniel David Lezu
Chief Technical Officer
Mr. Daniel David Lezu is a young gentle with adequate knowledge in ICT and communication related issues. He joined CAFAF in 2011 as a chief Technical officer where he had sincere been serving in this capacity providing all the necessary communication works to project the works of the organization.
He is also a Youth Activist who beleives in productivity as a way of raising today's youth.
Interactive theatre and public forum is one of his methodology for out-reach programmes.

Abiba hazel-Health and special Assistant
She joined CAFAF in 2011 serving in this capacity till date. She hopes to pursue other high education to raise the flag of CAFAF higher. Prior to joining CAFAF she had serve other organizations and was anchorage of women’s and micro-finance investment discourse.

Rebecca Asare-special Assistant
She operates at the front desk and offers day to day clients demand and supply service attention. She joined CAFAF just after graduating from school with a back ground in secretarial duties bringing her expertise to book till date.

Peter Quaye
Peter provides part-time voluntary accounting services to beef up the managerial competency of CAFAF. Holds a degree in accounting and works with various companies providing a first class financial management serves.

Salina Della WenyahInternal Auditor
Della like other inspiring women wants to give back to her community and anticipate that through CAFAF such dream can be fulfilled and so had join CAFAF quiet recently with the hope providing her expertise to book via internal Auditing.
She is a seasoned Internal Auditor currently serving at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prior to joining the ministry she had worked with various institutions as human resource management and accountant such as Interplants Ghana Limited, JK company and also taught in quiet a number of secondary schools both public and private.
We indeed happy to have a person of her caliber on board, hoping her contributions fires up and position CAFAF on the map of the aristocrats.
Madam Grace Clottey Mensah-Mid-wife(chair)
Madam Kate Quaye(Executive Director)
Joseph Senyo Kashie(National Director of
Charlote Armah(ED-Women’s Vision 3000)
Mr. Solomon Quaye(retired officer)
Rev.John Osei- Berhene-ED-VYTF-South Africa)
John Mireku(Retired Senior-chief pchyciastrst)
Rev.Daniel Obli Tackie(General Overseer LWBCI)
Nii Kwatelai Quartey(Researcher and International Trainer)
Nancy Semornu(social Worker-youth Activists)
Riata Naa Djagble(Accounts Officer)
Nii Amu(community development officer)
CAFAF also work with a host of committed community volunteers whose indefatigable efforts fuels the attainment of key performance indicators of the foundation. They are hundreds in number but few are to be mentioned. These included but not limited to:
Madam Amanda MAAMLE-Business woman
Madam Diana Oforiokor Thompson(retired Educationist)
Emmanuel Martey (Accounting student-UGCC)
Foster Gomashie-(Business Development Officer-Trade line)
mobile: +233-274-313-220 or +233-233-310-581
email: familyaidfoundation@yahoo.Com or